In a time where the world’s chariot is driven by the clockwork pursuit of professional success and money-making, humanity is more concerned with materialism rather than its well-being. Brought into existence in 2017, Besuto Mark pursues to ensure that a healthy lifestyle guides this chariot of the present-day to a fulfilling and rewarding life. With our excellent pharmaceutical and retail brands, we seek to empower every human being through nutritional & medicinal support while keeping optimal standards at every stage. Often recommended by doctors and medical experts practising in some of India’s renowned hospitals, our products are revered for their outstanding quality grade.
Backed by Avonic Life Sciences, our technical support team has been accredited with more than 60 years of experience in the pharmaceutical sector. Furthermore, the drugs responsible for the medicine manufacture are endorsed by reputable GMP Licenses, WHO, ISO, and FSSA. With our headquarters based in Delhi, Pune, Kolkata, Diamond Harbour, Budge-Budge and Raiganj and a franchisee distributor in Madhya Pradesh, we are all set to conquer the industry with our glorious motto- affordable nutrition and health for all.
To better every human life through nutritional & medicinal support and thus paving the way for a healthy lifestyle while keeping high standards at all stages.
To facilitate the availability of affordable nutrition and healthcare for all.
• Our research is the source of our robust medical prowess
• To create world-class nutrition, technology is important for us
• Deep emphasis on the quality of nutritional care
• Our team is our biggest asset
• To create a better living for everyone